nokia bsr-150lnG7npw Echolink Gateway Derby 145.2125 DCC RSGB NHARG 145.2125MHz  dadars nunsfield house nharg gb7nhr derby-radio gb3dx dominic g7npw eqso g7npw-l G7NPW g6ueu 145.3375 NOV g4tsn G7NPW G7NPW ECHOLINK DADARS GB7NHR DXNUN GB7NOT DANPAC 433.250 G7NPW 92369 d.a.d.a.r.s G7NPW G7NPW-L G7NPW-L echolink gateway dcc rsgb g7npw dcc rsgb rafars raynet gb3dh gb3dh echolink echo link gateway m0kqu linking echolink amateur radio linking g4lch g0rdi gb3dx-l 145.7125 DCC-RSGB g7emz voip voice over IP tcpip echolink interface derby repeater derby node ECHOLINK 2 metre 70cm gb3dby alport derby heights dominic 145.3375 145.2125 uk echolink G7NPW-L GB7NHR DXNUN GB3DH amateur amateur radio gb3dy gb3in radio, dadars nunsfield house nharg gb7nhr derby-radio gb3dx dominic g7npw eqso g7npw-l derbyshire derby radio clubs IRLP 145.2875Mhz CTCSS 71.9Hz dadars gb3ee gb3dx derbyradio radio derby radioderby yaesu io92gw g1jux atv ilink rigblaster iphone eqso g7wfm vhf walkie talkie i-link g4tsn dcc rsgb gb3ee chaddesden nottingham donnington east midlands io92gw dtmf echolink gateway england conference server motorola mc micro m110 12,5kHz g1kea gateway solihul g6ueu walsall gb3dx internet linked repeater g7npw linked ctcss derb radio 71.9


February 18th 2005

The Gateway is still suffering from persistent abuse and malicious behavior (Music Playing) etc so I have had to take action. Occasionally some or all DTMF functions will be disabled and all QSO's through the Gateway are recorded and indexed with RSSI information. The next stage will be loss of service and then maybe access only by prior arrangement whilst I implement some kind of user protected access system using individual ID's, DCS squelch or 5tone access as used on PMR systems.

I am interested if you wish to help SysOp my gateway? I'm looking for responsible people who I can trust with the remote access passwords etc. Who have time to monitor from time to time. Drop me a note if you can help!

Also any info on who is messing about would be interesting!!!!!!!! ;-}

January 21st 2005

Can all RF users please identify themselves before or after sending DTMF commands! I am getting lots of random DTMF connections and nothing more. I will now drop connections from users that do not identify themselves.

January 19th 2005

Reduced Power on the link today as it was attracting IQ0 behavior from the east of my location. This seems to of stopped the problems for now and my regular local users can still work the link fine.

January 9th 2005

Upgraded ADSL Router today as I had enough with the Linksys WAG54G router crashing and generally throwing a wobbly for no reason. Now running a Belkin model which so far seems ok. Not as much functionality but the functions it has seem to work. So anyone thinking of a WAG54G I would think again as they are really S$*T.

December 19th 2004

Now hosting this website on a new server which should allow many new features to be added when I find time. So anyone looking for a web server package that supports all the whistles and bells for a good price have a look at these guys, They have been most helpful.

December 16th 2004

Added a Guestbook to the website today. It uses PERL and is hosted on the same PC that runs the gateway.  Please drop us a note if you have time thanks. Should be useful if you have a technical problem or suggestion for the gateway.

December 12th 2004

Made adjustment to DTMF Inter digit timings as some stations single digits were being interpreted as multiple digits.

December 10th 2004

Changed over to new frequency. Reports Appreciated.

December 7th 2004

Setup standby transceiver at work ready for frequency change on the 10th. This one seems slightly better on receive sensitivity and is set to output a couple more watts in line with the new NoV.


This site was last updated Friday, 22 January 2021