NokiaBSR-150LNG7npw Echolink Gateway Derby 145.6875 DCC RSGB NHARG 145.6875MHz  dadars nunsfield house nharg gb7nhr derby-radio gb3dx dominic g7npw eqso g7npw-l G7NPW g6ueu 145.3375 NOV g4tsn G7NPW G7NPW ECHOLINK DADARS GB7NHR DXNUN GB7NOT DANPAC 433.250 G7NPW 92369 d.a.d.a.r.s G7NPW G7NPW-L G7NPW-L echolink gateway dcc rsgb g7npw dcc rsgb rafars raynet gb3dh gb3dh echolink echo link gateway m0kqu linking echolink amateur radio linking g4lch g0rdi gb3dx-l 145.7125 DCC-RSGB g7emz voip voice over IP tcpip echolink interface derby repeater derby node ECHOLINK 2 metre 70cm gb3dby alport derby heights dominic 145.3375 145.6875 uk echolink G7NPW-L GB7NHR DXNUN GB3DH amateur amateur radio gb3dy gb3in radio, dadars nunsfield house nharg gb7nhr derby-radio gb3dx dominic g7npw eqso g7npw-l derbyshire derby radio clubs IRLP 145.2875Mhz CTCSS 71.9Hz dadars gb3ee gb3dx derbyradio radio derby radioderby yaesu io92gw g1jux atv ilink rigblaster iphone eqso g7wfm vhf walkie talkie i-link g4tsn dcc rsgb gb3ee chaddesden nottingham donnington east midlands io92gw dtmf echolink gateway england conference server motorola mc micro m110 12,5kHz g1kea gateway solihul g6ueu walsall gb3dx internet linked repeater g7npw linked ctcss derb radio 71.9

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DTMF Functions

DTMF Functions.

I have noticed allot of anonymous stations just firing up the repeater with DTMF and connecting to various stations. Not only is this RUDE!! behavior it is also in contravention of the licensees BR68.

To combat this and to try and remind people of the correct way to operate the DTMF will be suspended until the repeater is fully accessed and latched into talk-through. GB3DC currently requires a minimum transmission from COLD / STANDBY of 6 seconds to latch the logic into full talk-through.

So from COLD / STANDBY you will now need to identify yourselves clearly during this 6 second period prior to dialing any DTMF.

There can be about a 4 second delay when working through the internet links,

so don't forget to leave a good gap between overs to enable others to break in and connecting repeaters to reset. GB3DC emits an "N" in Morse at the end of all internet transmissions. Please wait until you hear this before taking your over.

The table below lists each of the DTMF commands.






Connects to a station on the Internet, based on its node number.


Connect by Call

Connects to a station on the Internet, based on its call sign.


Random Node

Selects an available node (of any type) at random, and tries to connect to it.


Random Link

Selects an available link or repeater (-L or -R) at random, and tries to connect to it.


Random Conf

Selects a conference server at random, and tries to connect to it.


Random User

Selects an available single-user station at random, and tries to connect to it.


Random FavNode

Selects an available node (of any type) at random from the Favorites List, and tries to connect to it.


Random FavLink

Selects an available link or repeater (-L or -R) at random from the Favorites List,


Random FavConf

Selects a conference server at random from the Favorites List, and tries to connect to it.


Random FavUser

Selects an available single-user station at random, and tries to connect to it.



Disconnects the last station that is currently connected. 



To hear the local time from the link computer



Re-connects to the station that most recently disconnected.



Announces the call sign of each station currently connected.


Link Down

Disables EchoLink (no connections can be established).


Link Up

Enables EchoLink.


Play Info

Plays a brief ID message.


Query by Call

Looks up a station by its call sign, and reads back its node number and status.


Query by Node

Looks up a station by its node number, and reads back its call sign  and status.


Profile Select

Switches to a different stored set of configuration settings (0 through 9).


This site was last updated Friday, 22 January 2021