G7npw Echolink Gateway Derby 145.6875 www.derby-radio.co.uk DCC RSGB NHARG 145.6875MHz  dadars nunsfield house nharg gb7nhr derby-radio gb3dx dominic g7npw eqso g7npw-l G7NPW g6ueu 145.3375 NOV g4tsn G7NPW G7NPW ECHOLINK DADARS GB7NHR DXNUN GB7NOT DANPAC 433.250 G7NPW 92369 d.a.d.a.r.s G7NPW G7NPW-L G7NPW-L echolink gateway dcc rsgb g7npw dcc rsgb rafars raynet gb3dh gb3dh echolink echo link gateway m0kqu linking echolink amateur radio linking g4lch g0rdi gb3dx-l 145.7125 DCC-RSGB g7emz voip voice over IP tcpip echolink interface derby repeater derby node ECHOLINK 2 metre 70cm gb3dby alport derby heights dominic 145.3375 145.6875 uk echolink G7NPW-L GB7NHR DXNUN GB3DH amateur amateur radio gb3dy gb3in radio, dadars nunsfield house nharg gb7nhr derby-radio gb3dx dominic g7npw eqso g7npw-l derbyshire derby radio clubs IRLP 145.6875Mhz CTCSS 71.9Hz dadars gb3ee gb3dx derbyradio radio derby radioderby yaesu io92gw g1jux atv ilink rigblaster iphone eqso g7wfm vhf walkie talkie i-link g4tsn dcc rsgb gb3ee dcc.rsgb.org chaddesden nottingham donnington east midlands io92gw dtmf echolink gateway england conference server motorola mc micro m110 12,5kHz g1kea gateway solihul g6ueu walsall gb3dx internet linked repeater g7npw linked ctcss derb radio 71.9

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GB7DC Repeater


Welcome to the GB7DC Multi Mode DMR, D-Star ircDDB, System Fusion & Analogue FM Repeater Webpage. The repeater went live on the air on the 27th December 2012 after a 3 year wait for the licence application to be approved. This was because 70cm is a shared band and we have to get approval from the primary user.

In March 2016 the repeater became Multi Mode and now provides DMR, DStar, System Fusion & FM capabilities all from the same repeater.

The repeater has a 30 Second Mode Hang Timer to reserve the current mode of operation. You might think the repeater isn't working because of this but actually it is just in one of the other three modes of operation only. After 30 seconds of no activity either locally or from the network will put the repeater back into Idle Standby ready for any mode.

If you require any DMR equipment to use on the repeater I can supply you the latest Motorola, Hytera & TYT Tytera DMR Radios via my company Mason Electronics.

Click Here To Visit Mason Electronics Amateur DMR Section

I can offer very good prices to local radio amateurs, users of GB7DC & can also offer advice on DMR radios & configuration for use on the local repeaters.

Please contact me directly with your enquiry & I will do my best to help you out but not in working hours unfortunalty.

 Click Here To Contact Dominic G7NPW

Repeater Specification & Hardware

Repeater Call sign

GB7DC               (Keeper Dominic G7NPW)


Chaddesden Derby East Midlands. England. (Near Pentagon Island A52)


IO92GW (SK33)

Height M ASL

Approximately 70 m

TX Frequency

439.3500 MHz CC1 (For DMR Colour Code 1) (71.9Hz CTCSS for FM)

RX Frequency

430.3500 CC1 (For DMR Colour Code 1) (71.9Hz CTCSS for FM)

Class of Emission



Omni Directional 3db @ 10m AGL

Access Methods

DSTAR RPT1  GB7DC  B    RPT2  GB7DC  G - DMR Colour Code 1


Tait TB7100 Slim line UHF


Tait TB7100 Slim line UHF


STM32F446 Nucleo-64 MMDVM Modem. F0DEI Interface.

DMR Network GB7DC is connected to the  FreeDMR & Brandmeister UK DMR Networks
DStar Network GB7DC is connected to the ircDDB Gateway Network

Computer Hardware

Raspberry PI 4 Model B


G4KLX ircDDB Gateway & MMDVMHost Software Running On Linux


Procom DPF 70/6N  6 Cavity UHF Duplexer & AFL Circulator/Isolator

This site was last updated Friday, 22 January 2021